
Join Our EfM (Education for Ministry) Class


Want to dig deeper into the Christian faith, study the Bible with greater intellectual integrity, learn more about church history, theological ideas and, most importantly, connect your faith (and doubts) more strongly to your own life experiences? Then consider enrolling in Education for the Ministry – or “EfM. EfM is a unique four-year distance learning certificate pro-gram in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. EfM helps the faithful encounter the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition and brings it into conversation with their experiences of the world as they study, worship, and engage in theological re-flection together.

The class convenes once a week on Tuesdays from mid-September through May for 3 hours (11AM—2PM) at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Middleburg. Studies include

Year 1 - the Hebrew Testament,
Year 2 - the Christian Testament
Year 3 - Church History
Year 4 -Theology and Christian Spirituality

The class includes students in all four years and does require weekly personal study. Created by Sewanee Seminary and administered locally via the Diocese of Virginia, the tuition is $375 per year and scholarships are available. You only need to commit to one year at a time.

Feel free to contact EfM Mentor Gina Hammond (540-655-5744) or graduates Sandra Markus (540-878-5577). Laurie Volk (540-539-1734), Jolly de Give (540-592-3889), Melissa Neal (540-255-8596), or Joe Fluet (540-496-8999 for more information and their personal experiences with the program.

COVID-19 Updates

Please join join us virtually each week for video services online.

In addition to virtual services, we are holding Sunday Worship in person, with two separate options.
Masks are advised and preferred indoors.We will continue to review practices each week according to both the Diocese and CDC guidelines.

Join us for in-person worship:

8:00am Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
10:30am Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
5:00pm Evening Prayer, with Eucharist
Virtual Service Weekly

As we continue to adapt to changing guidelines regarding in-person gatherings, please check here for any new updates.

NOTE From the Senior Warden

The Vestry and Bishop Townsend met January 25th for a retreat that focused on our vision and finances. We heard from those in our parish who previously have led Trinity’s finances and endowment committees, as well as those who are serving now. The Vestry is crafting a 2020 budget that reflects our values and hopes, and cares for Trinity’s future.

The Vestry is united in our commitment to support children, youth, and families in our parish. You will be hearing soon from Melinda Gable and Chandler Van Voorhis about initial efforts and long term plans for children and youth activities. I encourage all of you to attend their meeting, we want to hear from you so we can build programs that meet the needs of our parishioners and community. We are excited about what lies ahead for Trinity and we are grateful for your support.

Support Trinity on Amazon Smile


Do you shop at Amazon? Trinity Church is now recognized as a charitable organization under the AmazonSmile program.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Trinity Church every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases, made each quarter of the year, to the church.

To participate in the program,

1. Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
2. From your desktop, go to Your Account on the navigation bar at the top of any page, and then select the option: Your Amazon Smile.
3. Under Your Current Charity click the button to Change Charity
4. Select Trinity Episcopal Church Upperville

Please remember you need to sign on to when you make your purchases for the church to get credit.

The Treasurer will report quarterly the amount received from AmazonSmile. We appreciate your support of this program.

Christmas is right around the corner so make your list and Enjoy Shopping!!!

Christmas is Coming - Save the Dates

Trinity’s Annual Christmas Pop-Up Shop
Friday, Dec 6th

Sunday Dec 8th After the 10:30 Service

It’s not too early to go through your attics, closets and all those little nooks and craneys to find treasures for the Christmas Auction. We are now accepting items at the church office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Louise Crane (610-310-7007 or

S.O.M.E. Updates for October

For our final 2019 SOME on November 14 and 15, it is our goal to continue to serve our regular meal of baked crusted haddock with tartar sauce, rice casserole, `fresh coleslaw, cornbread, green beans, chocolate cake with whipped cream and milk. We may add applesauce, depending on the cost.

Our food provider, Schenck in Winchester, VA continues to offer us the best wholesale prices on our goods as costs have risen considerably over the last several months.


We found our parishioners were no longer contributing enough brownies and cookies to sufficiently feed our guests and made the switch to sheet cakes earlier this year. Though a messy proposition, it is well received by SOME diners, as well as the staff. We were known as the only food provider serving fish and now we hold the distinction of being the only one that serves chocolate cake with whipped cream.

For a long time, Gina Hammond was singlehandedly supplying us with our sweets and Gar Royer was baking fresh bread. But we gave them a well-deserved break and are trying to stay consistent by plating identical portions so there is no haggling in the serving line. Gina came up with the idea of purchasing dessert cups to hold the cake and whipped cream so it can be assembled in advance and dropped onto the plate for easier consumption.

Currently, Ellen Hall has stepped up graciously and sends in load of take-out snacks that are distributed for parting guests. We have tried fresh fruit in the past and found the quality in-consistent and the cost very expensive. SOME does not serve dinner and discourages guests from wrapping up their lunch and taking it out so we like to have something portable for them to grab on their way out the door should hunger arise later.

That said, if you have an orchard and want to send in a bushel of apples, we will take them to SOME. Just let us know in advance so we can prepare room in the van. If you would like to buy an item in bulk, or put together some sandwiches or make a special, non-perishable dish, we more than welcome and encourage your contribution. However we ask that you pre-package in snack size plastic bags for take out purposes or leave in the Cox Hall kitchen in advance so we may do the same.

We thank you for your generous support of this ministry and hope to carry forward for our 33rd year in 2020.

Season of Giving

By the Stewardship Committee

There is a rhythm to nature, as there is to the life of the church.

In nature, at this time of year, the earth yields up the harvest. For thousands of years, good people have set aside a portion of God’s bounty, as they were taught: “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” (Leviticus 23:30)

In the life of the church, at this time of year, we, too, are called to set aside a portion of what God has given us.

Stewardship is a neverending year-round journey, but autumn is traditionally regarded as stewardship season – that time in the life of Trinity Church when we plan for next year.

Stewardship is what we do, with all that we have, after we say, “I believe.”

Stewardship – and, at this time of year, pledging our financial support – is the foundation on which our entire Church life is built: our worship, our outreach, our music ministry, our children’s programs, the care and maintenance of our grounds and buildings.

Stewardship and pledging is not so much about giving away part of our possessions as it has to do with accept-ing the responsibility for possessions that have been entrusted to us by God.

We are not the owners. All the resources we are given – our time, our abilities, our possessions – are entrusted to us by God. We have been given these resources by a giving God who, in turn, calls us to manage them wisely and with love for others. We are stewards of God’s grace, not masters of God’s riches.

So it’s easy to describe stewardship but not so easy to practice stewardship.

We’re not going to ask you to pledge … yet.

We do ask that you think and reflect and pray about it in the weeks to come. We do ask that you consider carefully the materials we will send you.

And when the time comes, we will ask that you open your heart and your mind and, yes, your purse.

Because there’s more to be done – lots more.

In every aspect of our church life together – our youth programs, outreach, fundraising, buildings and grounds, and our other ministries – there’s lots more to be done.

With God’s help, we can, and will, meet this challenge.

Key Stewardship Dates

October 20
Stewardship Report at Annual Meeting

November 10
Commitment Sunday when pledges are collected

Vestry Candidate Forum

Annual Meeting.png


All Trinity parishioners are urged to attend the Forum between services this Sunday morning, OCTOBER 6, in Cox Hall.  Please come to hear the individuals who have volunteered to serve the Church and the Lord by standing for election to the Vestry.  You will be free to ask questions or chat informally with the candidates who are offering to represent the Members of the Church in financial and other matters.   Four of these candidates will constitute the “Class of 2022” and will be instrumental in keeping Trinity strong and engaged as it moves through the transition to a new Rector.   

Vestry elections will be held outside Cox Hall (or inside if the weather is poor) starting at 9:00 a.m. on October 20, before our one service, and continue until 11 a.m.  The Annual Meeting will commence immediately after the service.   Members must vote in person at that time.

Trinity Tables

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Trinity Table Kick-Off Dinner Saturday September 21 at 6pm. The main course, chicken tetrazzini, will be provided. Please bring a side-dish to add to this wonderful dinner and opportunity in fellowship.

Parish Life is once again starting up Trinity Tables. Trinity Tables are small groups of 8-10 adults sharing simple meals and fellowship. The intention is to have fun and provide an opportunity for us to meet parishioners we may not know and /or to become better acquainted.

Each group meets about once a month for a simple meal and relaxed conversation in the homes of the members. Keep on the lookout for a sign up sheet in Cox Hall, and if you are interested, sign up. You will be assigned to a group.

Kick-Off Potluck Dinner on Sept, 21st at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. You will have dinner with your group and then you can decide how often and where you will be meeting. This is a wonderful way to meet and get better acquainted with your fellow parishioners.

If you have any questions, please call Betsy in the church office, 540 592-3343.

It’s lots of fun! Please join us!

Baptismal Font Restoration Begins

Thanks to the generosity of a number of parishioners with a special interest in the restoration of the historic baptismal font, the full amount of the cost of restoration ($25,000) has been raised. The font will be taken to Rugo Stone after a baptism on September 8 and hopefully returned in time for the next baptism on November 3.

The restoration will include the addition of wheels under an improved base so that the font can be safely moved from the side of the church to the center aisle for baptisms.

The font, likely made in the early 20th century, was given in memory of three members of the Dulany family all named John Peyton. They lived between 1788 and 1904. Some of their descendants are still parishioners.

We are grateful that it will be possible to continue the long tradition of generations of parishioners being baptized in this font.

Baptismal Font.png

Fall 2019 Startup Dates

Music Startup Dates

Adult Choir
Thursday, September 5, 7:00pm
Choir Room

Jr. Choir
Wednesday, September 18, 4:00pm
Children’s Choir Room

Wednesday, September 18, 4:45pm
Children’s Choir Room

Handbell Choir
Tuesday September 24, 5:00pm
Cox Hall

Activities Fair
Sunday, September 8
Full choir resumes for 10:30 service

Commissioning of choirs and other ministries
Sunday, September 29, 10:30 service

Education Startup Dates

Bible Study
Wednesday, September 11, 10:30am
Peard House

Adult Forum
Sunday, September 15, 9:15am
Cox Hall

Children’s Chapel
Sunday, September 15
During the 10:30am service

Youth Sunday School - K- 5th Grade
Sunday, September 15, 11:30am

Other Events

Saturday, September 21
Men’s Breakfast 8:00am
Trinity Tables Kick-Off Dinner 6:00pm
Cox Hall

Saturday, September 28
Church Clean-up 9am-3pm

A Note of Thanks

Dear Trinity Family,

The Outdoor Sanctuary Committee would like to thank the folks who generously volunteered their time to fill the water bags surrounding the newer trees at the Outdoor Sanctuary.

This year, special thanks goes out to: Joe Fluet, Jim Gemmer, Ellen & Sydney Hall, Becky & Jim Hoecker, Sandy Diday, Bob Appenzeller, the Moore family, Brett & Sabine Bibb, and Holly & Chuck Bimba. Thanks, also, to Tommy Breeden for keeping the grounds mowed and “weed-whacked,” and to the Vestry and Parish Life Committee for hosting summer picnics. No thank you list would be complete without acknowledging Betsy Crenshaw who reminds us of our promises and our good intentions in such a wonderful way.

The Knapps and The Gibbens