Trinity Tables

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Trinity Table Kick-Off Dinner Saturday September 21 at 6pm. The main course, chicken tetrazzini, will be provided. Please bring a side-dish to add to this wonderful dinner and opportunity in fellowship.

Parish Life is once again starting up Trinity Tables. Trinity Tables are small groups of 8-10 adults sharing simple meals and fellowship. The intention is to have fun and provide an opportunity for us to meet parishioners we may not know and /or to become better acquainted.

Each group meets about once a month for a simple meal and relaxed conversation in the homes of the members. Keep on the lookout for a sign up sheet in Cox Hall, and if you are interested, sign up. You will be assigned to a group.

Kick-Off Potluck Dinner on Sept, 21st at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. You will have dinner with your group and then you can decide how often and where you will be meeting. This is a wonderful way to meet and get better acquainted with your fellow parishioners.

If you have any questions, please call Betsy in the church office, 540 592-3343.

It’s lots of fun! Please join us!