
Drive By Welcome Parade

On June 28th a Drive-By Welcome Parade was held for Jonathan and his family. Drivers met at the Upperville Farm and Feed and drove through the overflow parking lot to greet the Adams family. They were thrilled and truly felt loved. Thanks to Martha Williamson, our Parish Life Chair, for making this happen in a safe, social distancing manner.

Trinity Tables

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Trinity Table Kick-Off Dinner Saturday September 21 at 6pm. The main course, chicken tetrazzini, will be provided. Please bring a side-dish to add to this wonderful dinner and opportunity in fellowship.

Parish Life is once again starting up Trinity Tables. Trinity Tables are small groups of 8-10 adults sharing simple meals and fellowship. The intention is to have fun and provide an opportunity for us to meet parishioners we may not know and /or to become better acquainted.

Each group meets about once a month for a simple meal and relaxed conversation in the homes of the members. Keep on the lookout for a sign up sheet in Cox Hall, and if you are interested, sign up. You will be assigned to a group.

Kick-Off Potluck Dinner on Sept, 21st at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. You will have dinner with your group and then you can decide how often and where you will be meeting. This is a wonderful way to meet and get better acquainted with your fellow parishioners.

If you have any questions, please call Betsy in the church office, 540 592-3343.

It’s lots of fun! Please join us!

A Note of Thanks

Dear Trinity Family,

The Outdoor Sanctuary Committee would like to thank the folks who generously volunteered their time to fill the water bags surrounding the newer trees at the Outdoor Sanctuary.

This year, special thanks goes out to: Joe Fluet, Jim Gemmer, Ellen & Sydney Hall, Becky & Jim Hoecker, Sandy Diday, Bob Appenzeller, the Moore family, Brett & Sabine Bibb, and Holly & Chuck Bimba. Thanks, also, to Tommy Breeden for keeping the grounds mowed and “weed-whacked,” and to the Vestry and Parish Life Committee for hosting summer picnics. No thank you list would be complete without acknowledging Betsy Crenshaw who reminds us of our promises and our good intentions in such a wonderful way.

The Knapps and The Gibbens

Boulder Crest Ride - Motorcycle Riders


Boulder Crest Ride—Motorcycle Riders

Aug 24th
1:00am - 1:00pm

This event benefits the Boulder Crest Retreat for Military & Vets in Bluemont. All Trinity vets are welcome.

We have over 350 riders registered so we need lots of cookies. Please bring them to Cox Hall clearly marked “Boulder Crest”. If you have any questions please contact Dorothy Gow 540-592-9559

Summer Picnics

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Mark your calendars - summer picnics at the Outdoor Sanctuary are coming soon.

Wednesday, June 12 - Outdoor Sanctuary Committee
Wednesday, August 7 - The Vestry
Wednesday, September 11 - Parish Life Committee

The hosts will provide the burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and drinks. Guests are asked to please contribute something to share. Suggestions include salad, dessert, side dishes.

Invite your friends and neighbors - this is a community event! Picnics will begin at 6 PM at the Council Ring, with fellowship for about an hour, followed by a service of Evening Prayer or Compline at the Outdoor Chapel.

Trinity Tables

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Parish Life is once again starting up Trinity Tables.  Trinity Tables are small groups of 8-10 adults sharing simple meals and fellowship.  The intention is to have fun and provide an opportunity for us to meet parishioners we may not know and /or to become better acquainted. Each group meets about once a month  for a simple meal and relaxed conversation in the homes of the members.  Soon there will be a sign up sheet in Cox Hall.   So, if you are interested, sign up.  Then you will be assigned to a group.  

We will have a Kick-Off Potluck Dinner on Saturday, September 22 in the Parish Hall.  You will have dinner with your group and then you can decide how often and where you will be meeting.  This is a wonderful way to meet and get to know better your fellow parishioners.  Any questions or comments? Call Betsy in the church office, 540 592-3343. It’s lots of fun!