“It is our mission to encourage all people of the parish to share in the experience of glorifying God through music; to teach together the skills of music and the practices of faith; and to build the body of Christ through worship, rehearsal, outreach and fellowship using music as an instrument of God’s peace.”
You are invited to join the Music Ministry at Trinity Church.
We hope you will take time to read the following information and consider joining one or more of our choirs! You can join the choir at our annual ministry activities fair held in September or if you may contact the Director of Music Ministries, Dan Miller, with any questions at danielmillerpianist@gmail.com.
Our music ministry includes the following choirs:
Children’s CHOIRs
Trinity offers several youth and children’s choirs to varying age groups.These young vocalists sing at special times such as Christmas and Easter, as well as regular Sundays throughout the year.
ADULt Handbells
The Adult handbell choir plays a variety of traditional handbell music, as well as accompaniments to choral anthems and congregational singing, on our 4-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells. Music reading ability is helpful but not essential.
The Chancel Choir, the focal point of our music ministry, sings at the 10:30 am service from September through Trinity Sunday, as well as at other major liturgical occasions. Adults of high school age and above are welcome to join. Group vocal development, musical interpretation, worship practice and spiritual growth are all emphasized. The Choir’s repertoire is diverse and includes choral works of all periods, from the 16th century to the present day, sung to a high standard.
In addition to the Director of Music Ministries and Organist, the music staff consists of a Church Music Intern/Assistant Director, and 5 choir section leaders.
The Organ
Upon the completion of the new Trinity Church in the late 1950’s, a new pipe organ of 43 ranks and 3 manuals and pedal in the American Classic style was installed in the chancel by the Aeolian-Skinner firm of Boston, Massachusetts, considered to be the finest builder of the time. There is also an antiphonal division on the back wall of the church that includes a Trumpet en Chamade stop, mounted horizontally.
The American Classic organ style was a blending of different organ stops from all periods of organ building, producing a single instrument that could convincingly play music of all styles and eras with equal facility. It is also well suited to accompany an Episcopal/Anglican church service of hymns, anthems, and service music. The organ was rebuilt and additions were made by the Lawless-Johnson Organ Company in 1995-1996, and further tonal revisions were carried out by Bard Wickkiser and Larry Trupiano in 2017-2020, bringing the organ to a total of 55 ranks.