Flower Guild

The ministry of the Flower Guild is to assist in beautifying our worship space at Trinity by providing refined floral arrangements.

The Flower Guild is a group of dedicated and devoted volunteers who have the responsibility for the arranging and placement of flowers for regular worship and special services within the church. No special skills are necessary to be part of the Flower Guild.

Current members are eager to share their knowledge and artistry with new members, and are always willing to pass along their experience and skills to others. A desire to learn, and a love for reverently arranging natural beauty is encouraged.


The Flower Guild is divided into teams (currently 7). Each team is scheduled to arrange flowers every seventh week. The arranging and cleanup takes approximately two hours. The Flower Guild is an ideal way for members of our congregation to become involved in a ministry at Trinity, particularly if members are unable to commit more than a few hours of their time every couple of months. In addition, the Flower Guild usually holds an informal gathering of its members once per year.

New participants are always welcome.