A Note of Thanks

Dear Trinity Family,

The Outdoor Sanctuary Committee would like to thank the folks who generously volunteered their time to fill the water bags surrounding the newer trees at the Outdoor Sanctuary.

This year, special thanks goes out to: Joe Fluet, Jim Gemmer, Ellen & Sydney Hall, Becky & Jim Hoecker, Sandy Diday, Bob Appenzeller, the Moore family, Brett & Sabine Bibb, and Holly & Chuck Bimba. Thanks, also, to Tommy Breeden for keeping the grounds mowed and “weed-whacked,” and to the Vestry and Parish Life Committee for hosting summer picnics. No thank you list would be complete without acknowledging Betsy Crenshaw who reminds us of our promises and our good intentions in such a wonderful way.

The Knapps and The Gibbens

Activities Fair 2019

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September 8 at Noon
Mark your calendar for our 2019 Fall Start-up Activities Fair!

Join us for worship as we celebrate the start of the new program year. All of our ministries will be on display. Our choirs and children’s programs will be starting up again in the days to follow.

All the Volunteer Possibilities will be represented and you can pick and choose how you would like to be involved. The chairs of each committee will be available to answer all your questions. So (weather permitting) stroll the courtyard, join the conversation, and see what volunteer opportunities Trinity has to offer throughout the year and see what’s going on at Trinity.

See you there!

Boulder Crest Ride - Motorcycle Riders


Boulder Crest Ride—Motorcycle Riders

Aug 24th
1:00am - 1:00pm

This event benefits the Boulder Crest Retreat for Military & Vets in Bluemont. All Trinity vets are welcome.

We have over 350 riders registered so we need lots of cookies. Please bring them to Cox Hall clearly marked “Boulder Crest”. If you have any questions please contact Dorothy Gow 540-592-9559

A Note of Thanks

Dear Trinity Family,

I wanted to take this time to thank you for all of your support over the last 20 years. As a college student I had no idea that I would be in this position for this long of a time. I have been here through Robert Davenport, Martin Townsend/Jeff Patnaude, and Rob Banse. During those years you all have opened your hearts, homes and lives to me. I keep telling myself that I'm not getting older however after being involved with the graduations and marriages of many of your children over the years, I can no longer deny that I am in fact getting older. I also am beginning to realize that I'm not the same twenty-year old I once was. I would really like to see what else I can do with Labrador Entertainment before that window closes.


This year has been extremely difficult for me to keep the Thursday night choir rehearsal commitment as I had my opera debut with Maryland Lyric Opera and various other professional commitments throughout the year that I have had to keep. Although Christian has tried to work with me with those conflicts, we both have come to agree that because my professional career is blossoming, it was time to take a step back and get someone who can fully commit to the choir. We both feel that for the integrity of the choir and the integrity of the position, it needs to be filled by someone who can be present the majority of the time.

I have enjoyed my time immensely at Trinity Episcopal Church and it will forever hold a special place in my heart. I am the musician I am today because of Christian's guidance, your support and all of the opportunities that the church has given me and for that I am forever grateful! We have tackled many hurdles during my time at Trinity and it has been a valued learning experience throughout the years.

Please know that this is not the end, nor is it good-bye. Kyle and I do still plan to attend church at Trinity as our schedules allow. We do not plan on looking for another church. We are thankful to be part of a congregation that clearly cares about our concerns and well-being.

It has been an honor and a great pleasure to serve this congregation for the last twenty years and I sincerely appreciate the recognition during the church service on Sunday, June 16th. It was truly humbling and also a reaffirmation that Trinity was where I was supposed to be. Thank you again one and all. Kyle and I look forward to seeing you all in the future. Please continue to look out for one another. It is one of Trinity's strongest traits. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything!

Your Faithful Servant,
Jason J. Labrador

Why We Pledge

Joe has attended Episcopal churches since 1982, and Ginny is a cradle Episcopalian. We have always been active participants and pledgers in our parishes, and in the mid-1980’s our stewardship chairman urged us all to begin tithing and to “pay God first” - our tithe would be the first check we wrote each month. (For you younger folks, people once paid all their monthly bills with paper checks.). Before that, it seemed that, once we paid all the bills, there was not enough money left in the account to pay our pledge so we would let it slide. But, with our commitment to “pay God first”, that all changed. In spite of an increase in our pledge, suddenly there always seemed to be money left over!

About the same time, our newly married son called, and, when he described problems they were having with their finances, Ginny and I separately offered the same advice: “increase your pledge”. Things got better.

As you can see, we have discovered what many committed Christians already knew: our pledge is not only critically needed to support our parish, it is an integral part of our spiritual lives. We tithe not because we have to, but because it is a reflection of our Christianity.

Joe and Ginny Fluet

Hunt Country Stable Tour 2019 Pictures

We are thrilled to share this wonderful collection of photos from the 60th Anniversary Stable Tour! Thanks to our many volunteers, and a special thanks to our very own Kat Gemmer, the Chair of this years 60th Stable Tour. Over $53,000 raised for Outreach projects! Photos courtesy of Stephanie & Schuyler Knapp, Melissa Neal, and The Rev. Ed Miller.

Stewardship Updates Summer 2019

This year’s 60th anniversary Hunt Country Stable Tour is a vivid demonstration of Stewardship. In fact, it could be called the “Hunt Country Stewardship Tour”, since it opens to the public privately-owned Hunt Country farms and other properties lovingly maintained by owners committed to protecting and enhancing the beauty of their land, buildings and animals. Of course, these owners have been blessed with resources that enable them to accomplish this stewardship. But, through the Stable Tour, they share their blessings with others in the community. The end result will be more resources for the beneficiaries of Trinity’s outreach programs.

The effort required for this stewardship is considerable. Just counting parishioners involved in greeting and directing visitors at the 12 properties on this year’s Tour, more than 60 people will have dedicated all or part of their weekend to assist this effort. And there are many others working “behind the scenes”, who will have contributed many hours prior to and during the Tour, to prepare for and carry out the event.

We sometimes forget that “stewardship” involves more than just money. While the Stable Tour requires financial support to organize and operate, that support comes from parishioners and others who specifically designate their contributions as being for the Stable Tour. Ticket and merchandise sales provide additional support. The event is, therefore, self-sustaining; it does not utilize contributions made to fulfill pledges or to support the church itself.

We are grateful for this support. Thank you to the parishioners, property-owners and managers, and others, who have contributed to making this year’s Tour a great stewardship success.

Chamber and Orchestra Summer Camp


Summer Chamber Music & Orchestra Camp 2019

Monday June 17th - Friday June 21st
1pm to 5pm at Trinity Church, Upperville
for intermediate and advanced students

  • Chamber music coaching sessions

  • Chamber Orchestra featuring music from the award winning movie, Bohemian Rhapsody

  • Soccer

Come for a week filled with great music, fun, and games! Concluding with a final concert on Friday June 21st at 4:00 pm. Hurry! Enrollment is limited- Registration deadline is June 5th !

Cost for the week is $300
Some financial assistance is available.

Register online at: piedmontmusic.org

Information or Questions?
Speak with your teacher or call 540-592-3040 or email: Piedmontmusic@aol.com

Creative Story Time with Music
Mon June 24 - Fri June 28

Summer Picnics

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Mark your calendars - summer picnics at the Outdoor Sanctuary are coming soon.

Wednesday, June 12 - Outdoor Sanctuary Committee
Wednesday, August 7 - The Vestry
Wednesday, September 11 - Parish Life Committee

The hosts will provide the burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and drinks. Guests are asked to please contribute something to share. Suggestions include salad, dessert, side dishes.

Invite your friends and neighbors - this is a community event! Picnics will begin at 6 PM at the Council Ring, with fellowship for about an hour, followed by a service of Evening Prayer or Compline at the Outdoor Chapel.

Stable Tour Updates

May is here and we are off to the races with our 60th Anniversary. There is so much exciting news to tell you all.

First we want to thank our line up of farms for this year. If you haven’t already, head over to our farm list page and check them all out by CLICKING HERE.

This year we also have some exciting events lined up. Horses will run Saturday morning at the track, the Piedmont Foxhounds will visit our church, event and show jumping will be demonstrated at farms as well as ranch riding and a K-9 off leash show for tour goers.

For our anniversary our courtyard will be bustling with activities. We will have a Memorial Day Concert by the Cathedral Brass on Sunday, a petting zoo on Saturday and wildlife and animal rescue booths on display. Don’t forget the Thrift Shop will also be open all weekend.

Tickets are selling fast. If you know of friends and family who will want to attend, see Betsy in the office or go online to BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW.

We still need volunteers for the farms. It’s a great day to join with friends in raising funds for God’s mission of outreach. Sign up in Cox hall or see Jim Gemmer - or FILL OUT THIS FORM.

We are now taking orders for 60th anniversary celebration belts and dog collars and leashes. Order yours in the office now.

It’s going to be a glorious celebration!

We hope to see you all there.

Stewardship Updates

Thoughts about Easter 2019 and beyond

What an amazing experience it was to look back, from the front of the church, and see a “full house”! And not just full of you and me, but of children, grandchildren, friends, relatives and others we haven’t yet met.

What a wonderful experience it was to hear our organist, benefitting from a multi-year “tonal refinishing” of the organ, made possible by a grant from the Lambert Foundation and matching contributions from nearly two dozen parishioners, as he performed Louis Vierne’s Carillon de Westminster and the Toccata from Charles-Marie Widor’s Fifth Organ Symphony.

What a beautiful experience it was to have an exhibit of ancient works and contemporary art, curated by the collector of the ancient works and the artist of the contemporary art, to help worshipers and other visitors better “feel” the passage of the days of Holy Week and the services that accompanied them. And, what fun it was to see children searching for Easter eggs, helped along by our volunteers, our Rector, by families and friends, and even by a “life-size” Easter bunny.

It’s not too late to pledge, so if you haven’t yet indicated your intent to contribute to Trinity this year, please consider doing so now. There are pledge cards in the back of the church, but you can communicate in any way that’s convenient, including using the form available on Trinity’s website https://trinityupperville.org.

This year’s Easter at Trinity, from dawn to dusk, showed everyone present what a thriving church actually looks like. We are now within reach of achieving our Stewardship goal for 2019, and we are confident that next month’s Genesis will report that pledges have actually exceeded that goal.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Hurst Groves
Chair, Stewardship Committee

Holy Week Art Exhibition Opening Night

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You are invited!

Walking the Way of Love: A Visual Prayer Journey

Opening Gallery Talk and Reception
The event begins Monday evening, April 15th at 7:00 pm with a reflection on the works by artist/collector Edward Kate Knippers. Introduction and comments provided by artist/curator Jerry L. Eisley. 

The exhibit includes 9 art installations/stations accompanied by interpretive text that will be placed throughout the sanctuary. The artworks are created by a wide range of artists and craftsmen with themes on the life of Christ and faith of the church.
Join us for a reception immediately following the talk, across the street at "The Bridge," Trinity's Gulick House at 9105 John S. Mosby Highway 20185. 

Following our opening reception, the exhibit may be viewed Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, closing on Holy Saturday at noon. The visual prayer walk is available before and after Holy Week Services.: 
Monday through Wednesday at Noon
Maundy Thursday at 7:30 pm
Good Friday at Noon and 7:30 pm