A Note of Thanks

Dear Trinity Family,

I wanted to take this time to thank you for all of your support over the last 20 years. As a college student I had no idea that I would be in this position for this long of a time. I have been here through Robert Davenport, Martin Townsend/Jeff Patnaude, and Rob Banse. During those years you all have opened your hearts, homes and lives to me. I keep telling myself that I'm not getting older however after being involved with the graduations and marriages of many of your children over the years, I can no longer deny that I am in fact getting older. I also am beginning to realize that I'm not the same twenty-year old I once was. I would really like to see what else I can do with Labrador Entertainment before that window closes.


This year has been extremely difficult for me to keep the Thursday night choir rehearsal commitment as I had my opera debut with Maryland Lyric Opera and various other professional commitments throughout the year that I have had to keep. Although Christian has tried to work with me with those conflicts, we both have come to agree that because my professional career is blossoming, it was time to take a step back and get someone who can fully commit to the choir. We both feel that for the integrity of the choir and the integrity of the position, it needs to be filled by someone who can be present the majority of the time.

I have enjoyed my time immensely at Trinity Episcopal Church and it will forever hold a special place in my heart. I am the musician I am today because of Christian's guidance, your support and all of the opportunities that the church has given me and for that I am forever grateful! We have tackled many hurdles during my time at Trinity and it has been a valued learning experience throughout the years.

Please know that this is not the end, nor is it good-bye. Kyle and I do still plan to attend church at Trinity as our schedules allow. We do not plan on looking for another church. We are thankful to be part of a congregation that clearly cares about our concerns and well-being.

It has been an honor and a great pleasure to serve this congregation for the last twenty years and I sincerely appreciate the recognition during the church service on Sunday, June 16th. It was truly humbling and also a reaffirmation that Trinity was where I was supposed to be. Thank you again one and all. Kyle and I look forward to seeing you all in the future. Please continue to look out for one another. It is one of Trinity's strongest traits. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything!

Your Faithful Servant,
Jason J. Labrador