Easter Day at Trinity
Easter at Trinity 2024
Easter Day at Trinity 2023
Holy Week Eucharist & Reflections
Maundy Thursday 2023
Holy Week at Trinity
Good Friday 2022
Join us for "Seven Words" our Good Friday liturgy on this most solemn of days. This reflective, moving service includes prayers, readings, hymns, and choral pieces which ask each of us the question "Were you there when they crucified my Lord?".
Friday, April 15 - Good Friday
10:30am Family Service & kids Stations of the Cross
12:00pm Good Friday liturgy
Easter at Trinity
Please join us at Trinity for Holy Week and Easter! You’ll find our service and information below.
Sunday, April 10 - Palm Sunday
8:00am Traditional Said Eucharist with Passion narrative
10:30am Choral Eucharist with Passion narrative
5:00pm Sanctuary: Celtic Evening Prayer & Eucharist
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 11, 12 & 13
12:00pm Eucharist & Holy Week reflection
Thursday, April 14 - Maundy Thursday
6:30pm Remembrance Supper, Cox Hall
7:30pm Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar
9:00pm to 9:00am (Friday) Gethsemane Watch: Prayer Vigil
Friday, April 15 - Good Friday
10:30am Family Service & kids Stations of the Cross
12:00pm Good Friday liturgy
Sunday, April 17 - Easter Day
6:15am Sunrise Service (gather at the church at 6:00am to walk to the Outdoor Chapel)
8:00am Traditional Eucharist
10.30am Choral Eucharist
11:30am Family Easter Egg Hunt
Virtual Service available all day
Holy Week and Easter at Trinity
Please join us at Trinity Episcopal Church as we journey through Holy Week and make our way to the glory of Easter Sunday. We will have a combination of in-person and virtual services for you to attend.
Palm Sunday
March 28, 10am in the Bishop’s Garden
Holy Week M-W
March 29-31, Noon in the Courtyard
Maundy Thursday
April 1, Noon in the Courtyard
7pm National Cathedral Virtual Service
Watch National Cathedral Service Here
Good Friday
April 2, Noon in the Courtyard
Virtual Service, on demand
Holy Saturday
April 3, Prayer Vigil in Sanctuary, all day
Easter Sunday
6:30am Sunrise Service in the Outdoor Sanctuary
Virtual Service, on demand
10am Service in the Courtyard followed by Easter Egg Hunt
Holy Week and Easter at Trinity
The people of Trinity Episcopal Church invite you to join us for Holy Week & Easter Worship.
April 5 - Palm Sunday
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II
April 6, 7, & 8
12pm Holy Eucharist
April 9 - Maundy Thursday
6:30pm Agape Supper and Holy Eucharist
7:30pm Stripping of the Altar and Tenebrae Service
April 10 - Good Friday
12pm & 7pm Good Friday Liturgy
April 12 - Easter Day
6am Community Sunrise Service (Outdoor Chapel)
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II
12pm Easter Egg Hunt
Holy Week Art Exhibition Opening Night
You are invited!
Walking the Way of Love: A Visual Prayer Journey
Opening Gallery Talk and Reception
The event begins Monday evening, April 15th at 7:00 pm with a reflection on the works by artist/collector Edward Kate Knippers. Introduction and comments provided by artist/curator Jerry L. Eisley.
The exhibit includes 9 art installations/stations accompanied by interpretive text that will be placed throughout the sanctuary. The artworks are created by a wide range of artists and craftsmen with themes on the life of Christ and faith of the church.
Join us for a reception immediately following the talk, across the street at "The Bridge," Trinity's Gulick House at 9105 John S. Mosby Highway 20185.
Following our opening reception, the exhibit may be viewed Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, closing on Holy Saturday at noon. The visual prayer walk is available before and after Holy Week Services.:
Monday through Wednesday at Noon
Maundy Thursday at 7:30 pm
Good Friday at Noon and 7:30 pm
Easter at Trinity
Please join us for celebratory services on Easter Sunday 2019! Find our services below:
Easter Day
Sunday, April 21
6:00 am Community Sunrise Service (Outdoor Chapel at Trinity Church)
8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I with special music and brass accompaniment
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II with special music and brass accompaniment
12:00 pm Easter Egg Hunt
Interested in what Trinity is doing during Holy Week? You can find all that information by CLICKING HERE.
Holy Week at Trinity
Palm Sunday
April 14
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ According to St. Luke
8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Both services will begin in the courtyard, weather permitting
April 15, April 16, April 17
12:00 pm Holy Eucharist
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 18
6:30 pm Agapé Supper
7:30 pm Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday
Friday, April 19
12:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy
7:30 pm Good Friday Liturgy
Easter Day
Sunday, April 21
6:00 am Community Sunrise Service (Outdoor Chapel at Trinity Church)
8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
12:00 pm Easter Egg Hunt
Spotlight on Easter Sunrise Service
The first of Trinity’s three Easter services will take place at 6 AM at the Outdoor Chapel.
Those wishing to make their way to the Outdoor Chapel together should plan to meet in the church parking lot at about 5:50 to walk to the Outdoor Sanctuary together with Ed. Please bring a flashlight as it will still be dark. If you are concerned about walking to the Outdoor Sanctuary, the Trinity van will be available to transport you to the service. The van will depart the church parking lot at 5:55 AM on Easter Sunday.
Our worship service begins at the Council Ring where the fire will welcome worshippers, and our prayers begin. After we light the Paschal candle, the congregation will process to the cross for the rest of the worship, and hopefully will greet the rising sun. The service consists of readings, songs and a homily. Communion will be celebrated at the 8 AM and 10:30 AM services only.
Please invite your friends and neighbors to this service, as it is a great opportunity to encourage ecumenical community worship. Also, after the service has been concluded, please feel welcome to return to the council ring and linger by the fire for coffee, hot chocolate, juice, donuts and Easter fellowship.
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia!
Order Easter Flowers
Have Easter flowers placed in the church in honor of or in memory of a loved one this Easter. Please enclose your contribution with this form ( for checks, be sure to write “Easter Flowers” in the memo line). Contact the church office or complete an order form during service and place it in the offering plate no later than April 14th.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday, April 1
12:00 Noon
For children up to 5th Grade
Bring your own basket!
On Easter at Trinity it is our tradition that everyone would bring a dish to share for our coffee hour. Join us after church in Cox Hall for a wonderful spread of food, and for the Easter Egg Hunt at noon!
Holy Week at Trinity
During Holy Week, the Holy Eucharist will be offered at noon on March 26, 27, and 28.
Palm Sunday March 25
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite 1
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II
Both services will begin in the courtyard, weather permitting
Maundy Thursday March 29
Agape Dinner at 6:30 PM
Chili (A vegan chili will also be served)
Worship at 7:30 PM
Holy Eucharist Includes Stripping of the Altar And a Service of Foot Washing
Good Friday
Worship Service 12:00 Noon
Prayer Vigil
Thursday, March 29 at 10:00 PM - Friday, March 30 at 10:00 AM
Easter Day Services
Sunrise Service
Sunday, April 1
6:20 AM
At the Outdoor Chapel of Trinity Episcopal Church
Sunday, April 1
Holy Eucharist & Celebration Worship
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
Flower Guild for Easter
All members of the Flower Guild are invited to help decorate the church for Easter.
We will meet at the church at 9 am on Saturday March 31.
Please bring flowering branches (forsythia, dogwood, etc.) as may be available. Thank you.
The Flowering of the Cross
The flowering of the cross has been traced back to the 6th century. It is an especially striking and beautiful way to symbolize the new life that emerges from Jesus’s death on Good Friday. Traditionally before the Easter Sunday service, the cross is covered with real flowers and the top draped in white. The entire cross is covered with flowers and is placed prominently at the front of the church to symbolize the new life in our risen Lord to all the worshippers present on Easter Sunday morning. The contrast between the starkly bare cross that worshippers have seen for 40 days and the living flower cross of Easter Sunday dramatically and visually represents the new life that we are celebrating after witnessing the very instrument of death and endings transformed by Christ's rising.
This year, as you come to Easter Sunday Service, pause by the cross and add some flowers to it. You can bring flowers from your garden, or you can place flowers from the bucket provided by the Flower Guild. The Sunday School children and Youth Group are encouraged to participate.