
Fall Kickoff and Ministry Fair

Please join us for our church-wide Fall Kick-off and Ministry Fair! On this special Sunday, we will have one service on September 12th at 10:30am inside where we will celebrate moving back indoors.

After the service we will have a ministry fair and a coffee hour like no other. It's going to be a wonderful and joyous day! We hope to see you there, and please bring your family and friends.

Masks are advised and preferred indoors.We will continue to review practices each week according to both the Diocese and CDC guidelines.

Trinity Episcopal Arts Weekend

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Friday October 26th through Sunday October 28th, 2018

A weekend of Visual Arts, Film, & Music to celebrate the release of the new book The Gardens of Bunny Mellon

The Gardens of Bunny Mellon is a lavishly illustrated book that features the public and private gardens that Mrs. Mellon designed, including Trinity Episcopal Church, by author Linda Holden, published by Vendome Press. Signed copies of the book will be available for purchase throughout the weekend with a generous portion of the proceeds to benefit the ongoing maintenance and preservation of the Church.

Opening Reception Friday, October 26th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Holy Stories: Image and Word
An exhibition of Collage and Sculpture, October 26-28 by artists Sandra Bowden and Karen Swenholt. Art is available for purchase in addition to a book signing of “The Gardens of Bunny Mellon.” Donations welcomed.

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Compline Service Friday, October 26th, 8:00 PM
A meditation on the Psalms featuring choral and organ music with a display of an ancient Book of Hours. Donations welcomed.

Artists Luncheon & Church Tour Saturday, October 27th 12:00 – 3:00 PM
Artists gathering and luncheon followed by tour of Trinity Church’s Sanctuary hosted by artists and friends of Trinity and the Bridge at Glymfeather Hallows Artist Group. This will be a time to welcome new area artists and to share with others the rich tapestry of visual artists in the area. A special welcome and thank you to the new artists in residence and ongoing outreach at Oak Spring Foundation here in the area. Book signing of The Gardens of Bunny Mellon will be available.

Space is limited. Contact Jessica Van Heim Diday for reservations:

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Screening of “Many Beautiful Things” Saturday, October 27th 7:00 PM
A documentary film by award winning Laura Waters Hinson and Executive Producer Hisao Kurosawa (Dreams, Ran). A film about Lilias Trotter, 19thcentury botanical and landscape artist who was John Ruskin’s protégé and one of the world’s greatest female artists that was almost lost in history. A story of the struggle over creativity and calling featuring the voices of Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) and John Rhys- Davies (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones). Donations encouraged.

Sunday, October 28th
8:00 AM Worship Service
9:00 AM Book signing of The Gardens of Bunny Mellon available at Cox Hall during coffee hour.
10:30 AM Worship Service
12:00 PM Book signing of The Gardens of Bunny Mellon available at Cox Hall during coffee hour.

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Upcoming Youth Group Activities

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The Episcopal Youth Group has some exciting activities planned in the coming months. There are opportunities for fellowship, service and of course fun. Please join us and bring a friend to any of the events.

March 3- Ski Trip to Liberty Mountain. 8am at Trinity parking lot. There is a chance the mountain will not be open but we have a fun “plan B” if not, a trip to the water park in Massanutten. Contact Lisa White to sign up. Parent volunteers/ skiers also welcome. We will provide updates based on the weather late in the week.

March 11—Activity planning and SOME cookie bake - Following the 10:30 service we’ll meet to discuss your ideas and hopes for Youth Group and then bake cookies in the church kitchen for the church’s ministry to So Others Might Eat soup kitchen in Washington DC. A fun way to serve others less fortunate. Have a favorite recipe you want to make? Let us know so we can get all the ingredients you need. Contact Kevin Fox (847) 971-4986.

Youth Sunday Service- Mother’s Day, May 13. We will discuss and help plan the service during Sunday youth meetings in April. Save the date.

Stable Tour Volunteering Memorial Day Weekend - Kat Gemmer and her team are hard at work for the Stable Tour planning and there is an important role for the Youth Group. This is your chance to shine and share your gifts with the community as we welcome people from across the region to Trinity.

Other events in the planning: Early Summer Canoe trip on the Shenandoah, Youth group fundraiser/ project, service project, bowling night, Shrinemont camp.

Parents please reach out to Kevin regarding your child’s availability/interest to participate in Youth activities. We are eager to set schedules and plan activities to make it as easy as possible for the most people to participate. Please encourage them to bring along a friend, being a church member is not required.

We are looking forward to a fun and thought-provoking spring and summer!

Healing Ministry Conference

We had a wonderful day on Saturday, May 20 when The Rev. Nigel Mumford returned to Trinity
for another healing conference. We had 65 people in attendance from churches all over Northern Virginia including 22 people from

Trinity. It was a day filled with teaching, learning, prayer, sharing and the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit! It was “brilliant” as the Brits say!

We learned that God healed during Biblical times, Jesus healed during his time on earth, the apostles healed and, as Christians and followers of Jesus, we are all called to heal others with the power and love of Christ (Luke 9:1-2). Healing has always been, and still is, present in the world. Whenever we meet someone in need of prayer, it’s as simple as asking “How may I pray for you?” and praying with them right then and there (If they don’t want you to pray for them, pray for them anyway, silently in your heart). It doesn’t take great training or skill since God is the one who does the healing not us. Lay your hands on your children when they hurt and teach them about the amazing healing and love of God our Father.

We learned that whenever we pray with someone, God always shows up and something happens, although it may not be what we asked for and doesn’t always mean we are cured. The healing that God desires for us is transformation and healing of the whole person - body, mind and spirit - not just curing the physical illness or injury. Healing is a mystery of God; we don’t know how it works, nor why some are cured and others are not. Even though we are not cured of a disease or condition, it does not mean that we have not been healed. Many people who have not been cured, report with great thankfulness that they have been healed. In fact, death is the ultimate healing when we are united to God through Christ Jesus.

We also learned about forgiveness, one of the biggest blocks to healing. Jesus calls us to forgive friends and enemies alike (Matthew 6:14), and it is so important that it is repeated every time we pray the Lord’s prayer. Hanging on to anger, judgements, hatred, and revenge can cause illness as well as prevent healing. Forgiveness does not mean condoning the action, nor do we need to like or be with the person hurting us. Rather, it means letting go of the pain which is only hurting us.

We experienced prayer and ministry with those who are hurting, sharing by those who have been healed by God, thanksgivings for God’s blessings and a powerful intimacy with all those united in following Jesus the Christ. Hallelujah!

Pentecost at Trinity

Pentecost is the fiftieth day after Easter, this year, June 4, and we will celebrate Pentecost by wearing red (if we have red to wear or perhaps pink) and by reading Scripture together, some of us in other languages. But why do we do this? Why is Pentecost important?

After his death on the cross and his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and gave them proof that he was alive. He told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Father’s gift of the Holy Spirit, from whom they would receive power to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. Jesus ascended to heaven and the disciples returned to Jerusalem and joined together in prayer in an upper room.

Acts 2: When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

We celebrate Pentecost to recognize the gift of the Holy Spirit to the believers, to all believers, to “everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.” We bear witness to this gift on Pentecost by wearing red to symbolize the color of the tongues of the flames that rested on each disciple; and we bear witness to this gift by speaking in other languages - modern languages today - by those who have the ability, to symbolize the diversity of languages that were spoken in the upper room.

2017 Stable Tour Results

Over $14,000 in Thrift Shop Sales!

Over 35,000 views on the Stable Tour Facebook page!

775 advance-sale tickets sold!

Over $53,000 Raised for mission outreach projects!

12 Vendors at the Country Fair!

12 Farms on the tour!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

February 28 from 5:30-7:30 PM

Join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner.   The men of the church will be preparing the meal, and the Parish Life Committee is providing the decorations.  This is a free meal, and all are invited to participate!  Shrove Tuesday (also known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras), is celebrated in anticipation of the start of Lent the next day (Ash Wednesday).  It is the symbolic act of using up the unhealthy items in the kitchen pantry in advance of the more penitential observance of Lent.