VBS at Trinity - Discovery on Adventure Island

We're excited to share details of Discovery on Adventure Island: Trinity VBS, 2022!

July 25-28 from 9:00am - 12:00noon
July 29 from 4:00pm - 7:00pm, with Summer Barbecue.

For ages 3 through to 5th Grade.

You'll find an introduction from the Rev. Jonathan by clicking here.

To register, download the Registration Form by clicking below, complete, and return.
Register Today

Questions? E-mail Ben at ben@trinityupperville.org

Trinity Wellness for Women

A new group for women Each Tuesday during May
6:00pm - 7:15pm
Cox Hall
starting May 3, 2022

We will support each other as we develop a better understanding of how nutrition, exercise, and spirituality impacts our mental health. Through hands on activities we will experiment small ways that we can better ourselves daily. We welcome facilitators Maureen St. Germain, Bridget Wilson, & Julie Simonton, on a range of subjects to learn practical ways to be balanced and healthy.

All are welcome!

For more information contact Verna Stern, Mental Health Therapist and Life Coach, vernastern@gmail.com or just come along!