Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday at Trinity 2022

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 2, 12:00pm

All are welcome!

We encourage everyone to mark the start of Lent by coming along to a traditional penitential Eucharist (with hymns), including the ancient practice of “ashing”. We are delighted to welcome Bishop Ted Gulick as our guest preacher.

The service will be followed by a Soup & Cornbread lunch at Cox Hall

Ash Wednesday Services

Wednesday February 17
6am Online Service (available for replay)
1pm Courtyard Service

We will be doing a virtual Ash Wednesday service that will go live at 6am (so that you can listen anytime on Ash Wednesday). This will be posted to our Facebook page, our website, and also to our YouTube channel. If you are on our email list, you'll get a reminder sent straight to your inbox.

***UPDATE*** We are now cleared to have in-person worship again! This means we'll be having a full service in our courtyard for Ash Wednesday which will begin at 12pm (noon). If you are able, we hope to see you there. The Bishop is very clear on the criteria to allow this gathering. Please dress casually and warm, we will have heaters spread throughout. Everyone MUST wear a mask, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Our Bishop has asked that we not impose ashes this year but has said that you are free to impose ashes on yourself. With that said I will have ashes from last year’s palms blessed and ready for you to pick up next Wednesday February 10. They will be in a box just in front of the church office.

As we get ready for Lent, let’s begin to prepare our hearts and minds for the season of "giving up". My prayer for you all is that you would find time to be still, quiet, and mindful as you invoke this prayer: Free me, Lord Jesus, from anything that obstructs my way to you. Clear away the clutter of petty grudges. Remove smudges of resentment and bitterness. Cleanse me of thoughts filled with anger, envy, or self-pity… Create space in my life for more kindness and less spitefulness, greater generosity, few self-centered needs, stronger compassion and weakened judgment of others… Enlarge my heart with a spirit of gratitude this Lent, so that I recognize the simple gifts that lay in abundance all around me…

- Rev. Jonathan Adams

Ash Wednesday

Trinity Homepage (4).png

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 marks the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection and introspection in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.

Lent begins with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday we will have 2 services, one at noon and one at 7:00 PM. We encourage everyone to participate.

The services will include both the Holy Eucharist and the imposition of ashes. During the imposition of ashes, the interim rector will take ashes (from the burning of the previous year’s Palm Sunday palms) and will make the mark of the cross on each congregant’s forehead. The imposition of ashes is a reminder of our mortality, and our total reliance on God.

“For dust you are, and to dust you shall return” - Genesis 3:19