Healing Ministry Conference

We had a wonderful day on Saturday, May 20 when The Rev. Nigel Mumford returned to Trinity
for another healing conference. We had 65 people in attendance from churches all over Northern Virginia including 22 people from

Trinity. It was a day filled with teaching, learning, prayer, sharing and the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit! It was “brilliant” as the Brits say!

We learned that God healed during Biblical times, Jesus healed during his time on earth, the apostles healed and, as Christians and followers of Jesus, we are all called to heal others with the power and love of Christ (Luke 9:1-2). Healing has always been, and still is, present in the world. Whenever we meet someone in need of prayer, it’s as simple as asking “How may I pray for you?” and praying with them right then and there (If they don’t want you to pray for them, pray for them anyway, silently in your heart). It doesn’t take great training or skill since God is the one who does the healing not us. Lay your hands on your children when they hurt and teach them about the amazing healing and love of God our Father.

We learned that whenever we pray with someone, God always shows up and something happens, although it may not be what we asked for and doesn’t always mean we are cured. The healing that God desires for us is transformation and healing of the whole person - body, mind and spirit - not just curing the physical illness or injury. Healing is a mystery of God; we don’t know how it works, nor why some are cured and others are not. Even though we are not cured of a disease or condition, it does not mean that we have not been healed. Many people who have not been cured, report with great thankfulness that they have been healed. In fact, death is the ultimate healing when we are united to God through Christ Jesus.

We also learned about forgiveness, one of the biggest blocks to healing. Jesus calls us to forgive friends and enemies alike (Matthew 6:14), and it is so important that it is repeated every time we pray the Lord’s prayer. Hanging on to anger, judgements, hatred, and revenge can cause illness as well as prevent healing. Forgiveness does not mean condoning the action, nor do we need to like or be with the person hurting us. Rather, it means letting go of the pain which is only hurting us.

We experienced prayer and ministry with those who are hurting, sharing by those who have been healed by God, thanksgivings for God’s blessings and a powerful intimacy with all those united in following Jesus the Christ. Hallelujah!