
An Instructed Eucharist

The words, “The Holy Eucharist,” may sound strange to someone who has never experienced it. But what about those of us who engage in it regularly, even weekly --- do we fully understand what it is all about? At the 10:30 service on the second and third Sundays in November, we are offering an “Instructed Eucharist.” This is a way of explaining what we are doing and why in our great service of Thanksgiving. “Eucharist” is a Greek word for thanksgiving. In this service, we thank God for what he has done for us in Christ, especially for what he achieved on the cross.

On November 11, we will teach through “The Ministry of the Word,” essentially the first part of the service up through The Peace. On November 18, we will instruct through “The Great Thanksgiving” itself, beginning with The Offertory, continuing through the Eucharistic feast, and concluding with the closing prayer, blessing, recessional hymn, and dismissal. We hope you will be with us for these informative and educational services, and pray they will serve to enhance and deepen your understanding and participation in worship.

-Sheryl Heckler Mazzatenta

Becoming Like Jesus Study Series

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Becoming Like Jesus | Sundays, 9:30am, Cox Hall
March 5 - April 2

Have you ever tried taking on a discipline, during Lent or at another time of year, and found it difficult to continue? The wonderful news is that Jesus is our perfect example of practicing the spiritual disciplines, and we can look to his example to help guide our own. In a world where spirituality is often so lacking, how can we help deepen our own connection to God, to our neighbor, and to all creation?

Jesus says in the Gospel of John that He is the living water and that those who drink of the living water will never again be thirsty. As Christians, we need to dig that well and keep that water replenished again and again. This Lenten season is the perfect time to be refreshed!

Come explore, learn, and practice the Christian disciplines of prayer, fasting, study, and worship, as we seek to deepen our own spiritual wells. We will be meeting on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15, from March 5th-April 2nd. Join at any time; drop-ins are always welcome!

Raising Kids in Christ Study Series

As one of Trinity's focuses this upcoming year is on Christian education, we want to lift up Sunday morning opportunities for you to grow in faith and community.

Raising Kids in the Christian Faith | Sundays, 9:45am, Peard House

This group meets in the living room at Peard House on Sundays from 9:45-10:15, while children are in Sunday School. They have just started reading and discussing the book Boundaries with Kids, which looks at a Biblical approach to modeling healthy boundaries for children. Come and join!