Flower Guild

Flower Guild Decorating

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On Sunday mornings we decorate the church with beautiful flowers, given to the glory of God.

Often families and/or individuals choose to donate the flowers in honor or memory of a loved one, or in celebration of an anniversary or a special day.

The cost is $135. Please contact Betsey in the church office (540.592.3343 or betsey@trinityupperville.org) if you would like to donate flowers.

Currently the following dates are available in 2019:
February 3, 24
March 3
May 26
June 16, 23
July 7, 28
August 4, 11
September 15, 29
October 27
November 3, 24
December 15, 22

Worship Fair & Thank You Luncheon

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Worship Fair and Thank You Luncheon
Saturday, November 10, 2018
10:30 am—2 pm

Flower Guild
10:30 am—11 am

Altar Guild
11 am—11:30 am

11:30 am– Noon

Noon—1 pm

Lay Readers
1 pm—1:30 pm

Lay Eucharistic Ministers
1:30 pm—2 pm

All members of the Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Ushers, Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are invited to gather for instructional refreshment of their duties and a Thank You luncheon for your dedicated service. Persons interested in serving in one of these capacities are also invited to attend to learn more about how they can participate in these service ministries. Please call Betsy in the church office (540-592-3343) if you are participating and will be attending the luncheon.