S.O.M.E. Updates

Undeterred by a messy weather forecast, and in the midst of a partial government shutdown, a full load of volunteers with a delicious and hearty lunch meal for So Others Might Eat (SOME) coasted into Washington, DC in January in the Trinity van to begin our 32nd year of service.

Our fish lunch, with rice, green beans, coleslaw, and featuring an abundance of desserts and bread donated by parishioners, was well received by about 300 guests and staff.

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Notable on this visit were a table of children, accompanied by their grandmother. The grandmother has ten daughters of her own and 30 grandchildren, 10 boys and 20 girls. There are two sets of twins and one set of triplets among her brood. We lavished treats on the young ones in attendance who were enjoying an early dismissal from District schools. The kids were curious and polite, and content in their grandmother’s care.

It often goes without mention that much of the success of our visits to SOME lies with the long time dining room manager, Lynette Moore. Lynette has the biggest smile and is full of grace, leading our chorus welcoming the guests in the door. Lynette is supervising a new service at SOME, a soup course mid-morning. About 80 guests partook prior to our arrival.

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The handy Bob Appenzeller is taking on an important task at SOME, the repair of one of the industrial can openers. A master at green bean making, ranking alongside the skills of Florida bound Len Shapiro, Bob made the right call deducing that two quality can openers are better than one. He donated the one good one on a previous visit.

Ably joining Bob were Ken Knapp, Jim Gemmer, Ann MacLeod, Gina Hammond, Josefina Hooker, LeighO and Liza Wood, Becky Hoecker, Carol Miller, Sheryl Mazzatenta, and Robin Keys. All of these folks are so handy and fell into rhythm at the ovens, on the sink and along the serving line.

We are ever grateful to our congregation who rallied and provided a wide away of mouth-watering desserts and breads. We especially appreciate the individually packaged items and encourage others to donate a box of Little Debbies brand snacks, or mini packs of potato chips, raisins, etc. The guests appreciate something portable and non-perishable that they can take away with them. Lunch is the last meal served at SOME and it is a long time until breakfast rolls around the next morning.

As the national holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King was about to be observed, we were advised that members of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s. family would be at SOME volunteering and serving the soup course on his day of remembrance. The MLK Day of Service honors a man who espoused, “What are you doing for others?”

Our experience serving at SOME was supported by a wealth of experienced cooks who assembled the rice casserole in the Cox Hall kitchen the previous day.

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Among those in attendance: Carol Miller, Richard Taylor, Ellen Hall, Holly Bimba, Jolly de Give, Robin Keys, Ann MacLeod, Joan Eliot, Harriett Condon, Mark Thompson. The vegetable chopping was dispatched with in near record time.

Lord willing, we will gather to cook again on Thursday, March 14 and return to SOME on Friday, March 15 to prepare and serve lunch. Please make every effort to join us, either with prayer, or in the Upperville and/or DC kitchens, on the serving line, or by donating baked or individually wrapped goods. We appreciate your continuing support.