Stewardship Updates

Dear Fellow Parishioner,

In Matthew 6:21, Jesus said “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.

When was the last time you made a major investment, but never managed it? Built a beautiful house, but didn’t maintain it? Purchased a wonderful car, but never changed its oil? Acquired a fine piano, but never tuned it?

Of course we pay attention to these things. Who wouldn’t? Who shouldn’t? We do this because we see these items as our possessions, as the fruits of our labors. As something we worked, saved and sacrificed for. But are they really just “ours”?

In the liturgy prior to the 1979 Prayer Book, after the ushers collected our offerings, we often heard the following, as the Celebrant lifted the offering plates for all to see: “All things come of thee, O Lord” And we responded: “And of thine own have we given thee”

We still hear this from time to time, but if it were up to me, it would always be said, to remind us that what we give to the Church is a portion of what God has given to us, what God has made it possible for us to achieve, what God has allowed us to use as we see fit.

Stewardship involves the use our resources to make a positive difference – in our lives, of course, but also in the lives of our families and friends, in the lives of other communities of which we are a part and, yes, in life at Trinity Church. Stewardship viewed this way is an expression of our gratitude for God’s gifts. It is a way in which we help Trinity be a resource for the worshipers who enter its doors, the community in which it is located, the Diocese of which it is a part, and even beyond these parochial and geographical limits.

By the time you read this, your Vestry will have approved Trinity’s budget for 2019. It will have done this based on its faith in the generosity and stewardship of Trinity’s parishioners. It is confident that those qualities will allow Trinity to achieve its objectives for the year, including meeting unanticipated challenges, like a broken boiler or a leaking roof. If you haven’t yet submitted a pledge for 2019, it’s not too late to do so. Please call the office (540-592-3343) and a card will be sent to you.

If you are uncertain about this, take a moment to ask yourself – “where is your heart” when it comes to Trinity? Take a moment to pray for God’s guidance. You will not regret it.

Hurst Groves 2019 Stewardship Chair