Worship July 5, 2020

Worship From Home

As we worship remotely during this time of change, each week you’ll find Sundays at Home with Trinity Episcopal Church. We will be featuring the full service recording, as well as the sermon and anthem on their own. You can also download PDFs of the Readings and Gospel, as well as the full sermon on our website.

For those of you tuning in for the first time let me extend a friendly welcome! I hope you feel at peace and loved as you listen to the service . For those of you who have been a part of the Trinity family for a while let me say what a joy it is to be your Rector elect! I can hardly wait to be meeting face-to-face with you and worshiping in our beautiful sanctuary.

Let me also extend a thanks to all the wonderful people who come together to help produce these weekly, online services. If you would like to volunteer to help with the readings or prayers, please contact Betsy Crenshaw in the church office.

Worship for July 5, 2020

Please view the embedded video of our service below by clicking on the grey arrow in the middle of the image.

Prelude:   Paraphrase Op. 90 on a theme of Handel (“Thine is the Glory”) - Alexandre Guilmant

Hymn 657 - "Love Divine All Loves Excelling"
This hymn text by Charles Wesley is set to the Welsh hymn tune Hyfrydol which means Joyful and is also used in the organ postlude.

Choral Anthem:  "Haec Dies"  William Byrd
For Rev. Jonathan Adams first Sunday at Trinity we reprise this 6 part English Renaissance motet originally recorded for our Easter service.  Translation: "This is the day the Lord hath made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Postlude:   Partita on “Hyfrydol” ( Variation V: Finale) - Charles Callahan