Worship July 26, 2020

Sunday Worship for July 26, 2020

Please view the embedded video of our service below by clicking on the grey arrow in the middle of the image.

About the Music:

Our service this Sunday begins with the Prelude:  "The Peace may be exchanged"  from Rubrics:  A Liturgical Suite for Organ by Dan Locklair.  Commissioned in 1988, the titles of the movements in the suite come from the instructions, or rubrics, in our own Book of Common Prayer.

Hymn 593, Lord, make us servants of thy peace, is a paraphrase of the well known Prayer of St. Francis.  It is set to a tune by Lee Hastings Bristol named for his alma mater, Dickinson College.

"Treasures in Heaven" by Joseph Clokey is a choral anthem adapted for use as a vocal solo and sung by Hannah Glass.  It uses verses from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:19-21, 7:7-8) the first of which are appointed to be read on Ash Wednesday but also fit well with the string of parables about the Kingdom of Heaven in this Sundays Gospel.

Our service concludes with the Postlude: "In Thee is Gladness"  from Das Orgelbuchlein by Johann Sebastian Bach.  It is masterfully played by Dr. Richard McPherson for his final offering as Organist of Trinity Church after nearly eight years of faithful service.  We have been greatly blessed by Richard's exceptional musicianship and gracious spirit and wish him the very best in his well earned retirement.  Peace be with you Richard.