Christmas at Trinity 2020

As we continue to monitor the weather we have decided to switch up the Christmas Eve plans. The weather coming in is going to be nasty and rainy all day long so here is what we will do:

Christmas Eve 12/24/20 - The Holy Eucharist and Blessings will be distributed from 2-4pm in the church. Please don't all come at 2 but plan to space your selves out across the 2-hour window. We will have an Usher at the door giving you instructions on how to come in, receive, and exit.

Christmas Eve Virtual Service with music 12/24/20 - will go live at 5 pm. You will receive an email direct to your inbox at 5 pm (if you're on our list. DM us your email address if you'd like to be added). You can also find the service on our website, Facebook, and Youtube.

Trinity Kids Christmas Eve Service 12/24/20 - will also go live at 5 pm. You will receive an email direct to your inbox at 5 pm. You can also find the service on our website, Facebook, and Youtube.

First Sunday of Christmas 12/27/20 - We will celebrate the first Sunday of Christmas at 10 am with our Children's Christmas Pageant. If your children are in the performance (or would like to be) have them at the church no later than 9:30am so they can line up and be ready to go. We will also distribute Communion after the pageant at the front doors of the church (instruction given during the service).

I look forward to seeing you all at these different options! This may not be the Christmas Eve we wanted but it's certainly the one we need. I hope you all feel blessed by the offerings and know that I am praying for you tonight. If you need me don't hesitate to call or email me.

Grace, Peace, and Merry Christmas!