Vestry Notes Jan 2018

As always, the Christmas season was a wonderful time of worship and fellowship at Trinity. The Christmas Eve and Christmas services were wonderful reminders of the true meaning of the celebration. The Incarnation is a wonderful moment of hope as God redeems his people!

One of the highlights of the season was the Christmas auction. It was a tremendous success. It was an essential aspect of Trinity’s successful completion of its 2017 on budget. So special thanks to Nicky Perry, Ellen Hall and others who work so hard to make it such a great event.

Vestry has approved the provisional budget for the coming year and will be sharing it with the congregation at the congregational meeting on January 28, at 9:30am. While Trinity is grateful for its many blessings, the budget continues to be a challenge. The costs of maintaining our beautiful campus and the need for more robust youth and Christian education programs will require more pledges than we have received to date.

Our budget is balanced but there is more we can do if we are going to successfully meet the needs of our congregation and our community. I urge you to prayerfully consider your pledge for 2018 and if you have not yet pledged, I urge you to do so soon so Vestry can make the most of your faithful giving through a well executed budget.

Vestry continues to focus on how we can enhance the visitor experience at Trinity. In the near future Visitor Parking signs will be erected near the church. While this may sometimes be an inconvenience for regular attendees, Vestry has decided this is an important part of our efforts to welcome those who visit our church in search of fellowship, meaning and God.

Matt Blunt

Vestry Planning Retreat

Vestry members: Save the date! Our next planning retreat is scheduled for Saturday, January 27 in Cox Hall, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM