Weddings at Trinity

The clergy and staff of Trinity Episcopal Church greet you with joy as you anticipate the celebration and blessing of your marriage! Christian marriage is a sacramental rite of the Church for Christians. We'll work with you to help make your wedding at Trinity a memorable and spiritually rich experience for you, your families, and your guests.

Who may be married at Trinity Church?

The pastoral relationship between the congregation, the clergy, and the couple is very important. While it is not required that either party to the marriage be an active Episcopalian, ideally Christian marriage takes place in the context of a worshipping community in which the couple maintains or intends to put down spiritual roots. Therefore, we offer our services primarily to those who are members – or children of members – of Trinity Church. Further, we want to support couples who are seeking a spiritual home. Couples who are not members of Trinity Church are required to worship with us regularly for twelve months before completing wedding plans with the clergy.

Please e-mail us to request a copy of our Wedding Guidelines.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Ephesians 4:2


Wedding Application

Once you’re ready to complete the Application for Marriage at Trinity, please fill out the online form via the button below. If you prefer, you’ll also find an option to download a printable version to deliver to our offices directly or via mail.