Worship March 21, 2021

Welcome to Sundays at Home

Good morning and welcome to Trinity! So glad you are tuning in virtually for today’s service. As we worship remotely during this time of change, each week you’ll find Sundays at Home with Trinity Episcopal Church. We will be featuring the full service recording, as well as the sermon and anthem on their own.

If you would like to join us for an in-person service we have started Holy Eucharist in the Courtyard each Sunday at 10am. Simply bring a chair, mask, and a heart for worship.

We have a full week of services and events for Holy Week. Go ahead and take a look at our schedule so you can attend the ones to which you feel called. View Schedule Here.

Once again, thank you for tuning in and for being faithful with your time, talents, and treasures.

Grace and Peace!
Rev. Jonathan V. Adams

Worship for March 21, 2021
The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Please view the embedded video of our service below by clicking on the grey arrow in the middle of the image.

About the Music:

American composer and concert pianist Amy Marcy Cheney Beach (Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, 1867-1944) was the first successful American female composer of large-scale classical music. She was also acclaimed for the piano concerts she gave featuring her own music. Our opening voluntary this week is her lovely composition Invocation, Op. 55, for violin and piano/organ, featuring our own violinist Dr. Maryory Serrano.

The popular hymn “Lift High the Cross”, #473 in our Hymnal 1982, was written by Sir Sydney Hugo Nicholson (1875-1947), an English choir director, organist, and composer best known as the founder of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM). He composed the tune “Crucifer” in 1916 for this text by Anglican clergyman George W. Kitchin (1827-1912), later altered by M. W. Newbolt. The hymn has been published in 93 hymnals.

The Offertory Anthem this week is “As the Deer”, by Martin J. Nystrom/arr. Lloyd Larson. This popular praise and worship song, written in 1984, is based on Psalm 42:1 - “As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee.” Sung by the Trinity Choir section leaders with Maryory Serrano, violin.

The rousing Postlude on “Lift High the Cross'' is by American composer and organist Craig Phillips (b. 1961), Director of Music at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Beverly Hills, CA. His choral and organ music is heard on Sunday mornings in churches and cathedrals across the United States.