Sundays and Meetings

In all that we do, safety protocols will be of utmost concern. Please remember to wear your masks and maintain social distancing.

Our Sunday’s at Home on-line service will be posted by 6:00am every Sunday.

Sunday Morning Prayer continues at 9:00am in the Bishop’s Garden.

Committee meetings can now meet in person, and ZOOM is still an option for those who prefer it. Many of these committees are in need of volunteers. If you would like to help please contact Betsy at the church office 540-592-3343 or any of the following individuals.

Ushers: Jolly de Give 540-592-3889
Readers: Joe Fluet -
Flowers: Gina Hammond - and Sandra Markus -
Healing Ministry: Ginny Fluet -
Altar Guild: Becky Hoecker -

More volunteers will be needed once we resume full activities so stay tuned.