Morning Worship - In Person Outdoors


We are excited to be able to come together for Holy Eucharist - an outside worship on Sundays, in-person, and with safety protocols in place. Join us Sundays at 9:00 am in the Bishop’s Garden where we will have a service of the Holy Eucharist.

Please Follow Guidelines for Attending In-Person Worship

In an effort to maintain a safe place of worship, please follow the guidelines below and call the church office to let us know you are planning on attending. The Bishop is very clear on the criteria to allow this gathering. Please dress casually and warm, we will have heaters spread throughout. Everyone MUST wear a mask, NO EXCEPTIONS.

  1. We will provide one way in and one way out of the worship space.

  2. We will have printed bulletins to hand out and ask that you take them home to read and dispose of them at home.

  3. We ask you to bring your own masks, hand sanitizers, chairs or blankets for worship services (we will have a few masks and a hand sanitizer station available)

  4. We MUST practice social distancing, please stay in your "worship pods".

  5. We encourage you to use the restrooms at home and only use the bathroom in Cox Hall for emergencies.

  6. We will not pass a plate during the service but we will provide a basket at the entrance and exit for your gifts and pledge offerings. You can also give easily touch-free online or via text.

  7. Finally we ask that you do not linger for fellowship and leave the church grounds immediately after the service.

We can make this work but we need everyone to do their part.

Please join us! We can’t wait to see you all!