Outreach News

The Trinity Outreach Committee would like to thank Kat Gemmer and her amazing team of volunteers for creating an outstanding and highly successful 2018 Stable Tour!  Because of their hard work and the generosity of those attending, the Outreach Committee will be dispersing $50,000 this year!  The committee will meet in September to review funding requests submitted in 2018 and will decide how best to utilize the funds.  (The list of non-profits and suggested funding amounts will be submitted to the Vestry for final approval.)  

The Outreach Committee carefully reviews every submitted proposal; interviews (when possible) the executive directors and leaders of the non-profits; and, in many cases, volunteers directly with the organizations.  These organizations not only benefit from needed funding – they also benefit from the love, compassion, skills and expertise of many Trinity volunteers.    

Should you know of an organization in need of funding that you feel would benefit from Trinity’s Outreach program and would like to serve as the organization’s sponsor, please contact Debra Principi at 703-919-0182 or email debraprincipi@aol.com.  Or, you may suggest the organization complete the PDF application here:  https://trinityupperville.org/outreach/