Stable Tour Update

The Stable Tour is well on its way to a successful 2018! The Farms and Events are set. Please check out our website for details about the fun filled Memorial Day Weekend and mark your calendars for May 26 and 27.

Our next task is to fill all of the farms with volunteers to oversee the grounds and activities. All head stewards have been selected and Jim Gemmer and Dorothy Gow will soon be contacting congregational members about farm slots. We are also taking advertisers for our booklet, so if you know of any businesses that might be interested contact Marylin Bigelow ( or Kat Gemmer ( The church office is also able to answer any questions.

Donations continue to come in, but we still need your gifts. Please consider giving to this cause that uses all of the net proceeds to fund Outreach here at Trinity. I appreciate all of the support that each of you gives to the tour; it is such a blessing to be able to work for such an amazing tradition!

In Christ,