Funerals at Trinity

Funerals at Trinity are arranged with the Trinity Parish Office and the Rector. Please visit the "connect" page of this website for options for contacting us.

The death of a human being is a reminder of the brevity of life and of the universal nature of life’s end. We seek here at Trinity Church to be available both as a pastoral staff and as a community to those who are bereaved. Funerals are primarily the final act of love for the baptized person in this life. Funerals are not primarily meant to comfort those who mourn, although it will, nor is it primarily to celebrate the life of the deceased, although it will. Funerals will primarily witness to the saving work of God through Christ that is alive in the world, and alive in the individual. Funeral services are conducted in accordance with the liturgy of The Episcopal Church. Our Rector will be happy to discuss the theological and pastoral considerations in all these approaches, as planning is done for the service.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.”

John 14:1


Funeral Guidelines

Please use this button to view or download a copy of the Trinity Episcopal Church Funeral Guidelines. This will provide you with comprehensive information for planning a funeral service with us at Trinity Church and include a table of payable fees and charges. Please note that this document and fees and charges are subject to change on an annual basis.