
Trinity Kids and Students Summer 2021


Summer is here and we are ready to kick off the summer in a big way!

As I’ve told you in the past we hired Alex Kirven (a beloved teacher from Hill) to come help us with children and youth activities. Alex will officially begin this Wednesday 6/9 with an activity for teenagers (rising 6th – 12th). Alex has a fun outdoor activity planed in the bishops garden starting at 6pm so please spread the word and invite friends! Activities for children will begin Sunday morning 9/13 during Trinity Kids!

June 9 - August 25
Wednesdays @ 6pmYouth Gathering, Ages 12+
Hiking, Volleyball, Swimming, Soccer, Camping, Bonfire, Movie Night, Community Service & more!

June 13 - August 29
rinity Kids during serviceAge Groups: 4-7 & 8-11
We come together for songs, prayer, and lesson based on the Lectionary Calendar

IN ADDITION!!! Many of you have been asking about Confirmation. We will tie the four week class into the Wednesday programing. We will meet each Wednesday @ 5pm starting on July 21. These classes will last an hour and then the students can go and have some fun with Alex. I know the summers are busy so if your student needs to miss one just let me know and I will make it up with them one on one. The Bishop is scheduled to come on September 18th at 10:30am. If this date doesn’t work don’t worry we will provide a time for your students to be confirmed.

Spread the word it’s going to be a great summer!

If you missed last week you missed a wonderful opportunity to meet in the church and two God’s children were baptized. It was a great and exciting Sunday. We will resume our weekly schedule this week with an indoor option at 8am and a garden service at 10. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 12th for our annual kick off and outreach fair. We will start the year back in the church at 10:30 with a full choir, service and coffee hour that will make memories. Good days are ahead!!!

Grace and Peace to you All!

The Rev. Jonathan Adams

Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation Screening Event

The Novant Health UVA Health System mobile mammography unit is coming to Trinity Episcopal Church in April in association with the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation! The elegant, self-contained coach offers on-site breast cancer screenings, a highly qualified all female staff and a private dressing room. The mobile unit offers a one-stop screening performed in a comfortable and convenient environment, and it reduces time away from the office for personal appointments.

Saturday, May 21
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal Church
9108 John S. Mosby Highway
Upperville, VA 20184

Women are eligible if they:
• Are over the age of 40.
• Have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months.
• Have no existing lumps or breast pain.
• Have seen a physician in the last 24 months.

Please call the church for appointment availability at 540-592-3343 and register at 703-369-8073, option 3.

Holy Week and Easter at Trinity


Please join us at Trinity Episcopal Church as we journey through Holy Week and make our way to the glory of Easter Sunday. We will have a combination of in-person and virtual services for you to attend.

Palm Sunday
March 28, 10am in the Bishop’s Garden

Holy Week M-W
March 29-31, Noon in the Courtyard

Maundy Thursday
April 1, Noon in the Courtyard
7pm National Cathedral Virtual Service
Watch National Cathedral Service Here

Good Friday
April 2, Noon in the Courtyard
Virtual Service, on demand

Holy Saturday
April 3, Prayer Vigil in Sanctuary, all day

Easter Sunday
6:30am Sunrise Service in the Outdoor Sanctuary
Virtual Service, on demand
10am Service in the Courtyard followed by Easter Egg Hunt

Ash Wednesday Services

Wednesday February 17
6am Online Service (available for replay)
1pm Courtyard Service

We will be doing a virtual Ash Wednesday service that will go live at 6am (so that you can listen anytime on Ash Wednesday). This will be posted to our Facebook page, our website, and also to our YouTube channel. If you are on our email list, you'll get a reminder sent straight to your inbox.

***UPDATE*** We are now cleared to have in-person worship again! This means we'll be having a full service in our courtyard for Ash Wednesday which will begin at 12pm (noon). If you are able, we hope to see you there. The Bishop is very clear on the criteria to allow this gathering. Please dress casually and warm, we will have heaters spread throughout. Everyone MUST wear a mask, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Our Bishop has asked that we not impose ashes this year but has said that you are free to impose ashes on yourself. With that said I will have ashes from last year’s palms blessed and ready for you to pick up next Wednesday February 10. They will be in a box just in front of the church office.

As we get ready for Lent, let’s begin to prepare our hearts and minds for the season of "giving up". My prayer for you all is that you would find time to be still, quiet, and mindful as you invoke this prayer: Free me, Lord Jesus, from anything that obstructs my way to you. Clear away the clutter of petty grudges. Remove smudges of resentment and bitterness. Cleanse me of thoughts filled with anger, envy, or self-pity… Create space in my life for more kindness and less spitefulness, greater generosity, few self-centered needs, stronger compassion and weakened judgment of others… Enlarge my heart with a spirit of gratitude this Lent, so that I recognize the simple gifts that lay in abundance all around me…

- Rev. Jonathan Adams

Drive-In Worship


- Please note -
Drive In Worship for Sunday February 7, 2021 has been cancelled due to inclement weather. We’ll start up again next week on Sunday February 14!

As we continue to adapt to changing guidelines regarding in-person gatherings, we have some exciting news for worship options. Starting this week we will begin “drive-in church" (kind of like a drive-in movie, but better)!

Sundays at 10am

Courtyard Parking Area

You will simply pull into the church parking lot facing the front garden, tune your radio station to FM 102.1 and enjoy the service from the warmth of your car. The musicians will be in the church singing our favorite hymns and anthems, and Rev. Jonathan will be standing out front leading the service just in front of the visitors parking spots and you will be singing and participating in the service from the warmth and safety of your car.

In order to follow along, we encourage you to download the worship booklet with liturgy and bring it with you. Feel free to print from home, or simply download to your mobile device to read on the go! If you forget your printed copy, not to worry. We’ll guide you along the way. You can find the weekly bulletin each week here:

It’s sure to be an uplifting experience to be able to gather together so bring a warm drink, a spirit to worship and a heart filled with hope.

Vestry Candidate Forum

Annual Meeting.png


All Trinity parishioners are urged to attend the Forum between services this Sunday morning, OCTOBER 6, in Cox Hall.  Please come to hear the individuals who have volunteered to serve the Church and the Lord by standing for election to the Vestry.  You will be free to ask questions or chat informally with the candidates who are offering to represent the Members of the Church in financial and other matters.   Four of these candidates will constitute the “Class of 2022” and will be instrumental in keeping Trinity strong and engaged as it moves through the transition to a new Rector.   

Vestry elections will be held outside Cox Hall (or inside if the weather is poor) starting at 9:00 a.m. on October 20, before our one service, and continue until 11 a.m.  The Annual Meeting will commence immediately after the service.   Members must vote in person at that time.

Vacation Bible School

June 12-16, 2017
9 AM - 12 Noon

A little about this year’s program:

At the Maker Fun Factory, kids explore what it means to be created by God for a purpose. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play team- building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of Jesus’ love, and make crafts that represent their uniqueness and creativity. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Maker Fun Factory closing that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned.

Age Requirement and Placement:

This adventure is available to all children, age 3 through current 5th grade (Children must have turned 3 by June 12, 2017 and be potty-trained). Preschoolers will be placed in separate small groups, and elementary-age children will be placed in small groups of similar age and grade levels.

Registration Information:

Please complete one registration form per family - download via the button below. The cost of the program is free (although you may purchase a VBS t-shirt for $10 per child).

Full instructions for registration are included in the form. REGISTRATION ENDS ON JUNE 1. No walk-ins will be accepted on June 12.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Many volunteers are needed. If you are able to volunteer during VBS week, we need your help! Teens are also encouraged to volunteer - just click the button below to fill out our online registration.

If you have any questions or are interested in a volunteer opportunity, please contact: Rachel Rickenbaker, (540) 592-3343,

Confirmation and Bishop's Visit

On Sunday, May 7th, The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick, one of our three Diocesan bishops, will be with us! At the 10:30 service that morning, he will help to confirm several of our eighth and ninth graders.

Confirmation is the practice by which those baptized at a young age decide to make a mature public affirmation and commitment to the responsibilities laid out in their Baptismal vows and receive the laying on of hands by the bishop. We, as members of the Church, will gather for worship of our Lord and to support these Confirmands in their commitment to Jesus Christ and to participation in His Body, the Church. This is also an opportunity to meet one of your bishops.

A reception will follow the 10:30 service. We hope you will be present for this morning of celebration and community!

S.O.M.E. News

A wee bit of Ireland by way of Upperville, VA traveled to So Other’s Might Eat (SOME) in Washington DC on St. Patrick’s Day where over 320 guests were fed a festivities appropriate meal, minus the green beer.

Thanks to Gina Hammond, who personally made and decorated a ton of shamrock cookies and to Mary MacDonnell who baked up a generous batch of Irish soda bread, our Friday fish repast complemented green SOME aprons in a gaily decorated Irish themed dining room.

 Here's our SOME serving crew getting ready to board the van for DC from last week. Thank you all for your servanthood!


Here's our SOME serving crew getting ready to board the van for DC from last week. Thank you all for your servanthood!

All told, with the breakfast production included, over 700 homeless and hungry men and women were fed at 71 O Street, NW, a typical day in the operation of one of the District’s most active daily feeding programs. Trinity Church has been involved in preparing and serving a meal there now for 30 years.

With all the ovens working and a thoughtful group of Georgetown students on hand to assist, we set about diligently. Kitchen duties were led by: Jim Gemmer, a champion at dishwashing; Len Shapiro, the green bean king; and John MacDonnell and Carol Miller who cooked the abundance of fish.

The aforementioned Gina and Mary laid out all the breads and cookies, along with Ann MacLeod and Maggie New. Robin Keys tried to be useful out in the dining room.

The previous day, our own Rev. Rob Banse assisted with the assembly of the rice casserole, handily chopping carrots, celery and green peppers. Joining Rob were: Holly Bimba, Ellen Hall, Bob Eliot, Jennifer Young, Carolyn Parks, Robin Keys and Ann MacLeod.

Please consider joining us on Thursday, May 18 when we will cook again in Cox Hall and the following morning Friday, May 19 when we will travel to Washington, DC.


Holy Week at Trinity


April 9
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ According to St. Matthew
8:00am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II


April 13
6:30pm Agape Dinner (Shrimp Boil with a Vegan/Gluten Free Chili)
7:30pm Worship | Holy Eucharist (includes stripping of the altar and a service of foot washing)


April 14
12pm Noon Worship
7pm Concert: "The Last 7 Words of Christ" by Haydn

Other Holy Week Events

HOLY EUCHARIST offered during Holy Week
12pm Noon on April 10, 11, and 12

PRAYER VIGIL - sign up in Cox Hall for a 1-hour Time Slot
April 13 at 10pm
April 14 at 10am

Easter Egg Hunt

April 2 & 16

On April 2nd, we will meet from 12-2pm, to share lunch and to fill Easter eggs forTrinity’s Easter egg hunt. Then we will head down at 1pm to Upperville Baptist to unload canned goods to help with the local food basket ministry.

Then, on Easter Day, April 16th, please arrive at 9:30am in the Bishop’s Garden to help hide the Easter eggs for our kids at Trinity, who will hunt for them after the 10:30 service. We need your help!