
VBS at Trinity - Discovery on Adventure Island

We're excited to share details of Discovery on Adventure Island: Trinity VBS, 2022!

July 25-28 from 9:00am - 12:00noon
July 29 from 4:00pm - 7:00pm, with Summer Barbecue.

For ages 3 through to 5th Grade.

You'll find an introduction from the Rev. Jonathan by clicking here.

To register, download the Registration Form by clicking below, complete, and return.
Register Today

Questions? E-mail Ben at

Christmas at Trinity

We are so excited to be welcoming you to Trinity as we once again welcome in the Christ child: Jesus, the new born king! After the disruption of these past months, it’s a real joy to be able to offer a full Advent & Christmas program. However, we remain cautious and diligent about the health and safety of everyone attending events here, so please remember that face coverings are required to be worn at all times by everyone inside our buildings.

Christmas Eve Family Service
Friday, December 24, 2021
A night of hope and joy.

Christmas Eve Service
Friday, December 24, 2021
Choral Eucharist with the Trinity Church Choir.

Christmas Eve Midnight Eucharist
Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Day Online Service
Check our worship page and your inbox for our Virtual Worship on Christmas Day.

Our sanctuary will be open on Christmas Day for quiet prayer and reflection.

Christmas Pageant & Eucharist
Sunday, December 26, 10:30am
Children who would like to take part in the pageant should arrive no later than 10:00am.

Trick or Treat on the Trail


Please join us on October 31st, HALLOWEEN NIGHT, for a Trick or Treat on the Trail that is open to the entire community!

We'll meet in the courtyard where you will be guided on your walking trail full of treats and perhaps a few tricks! This is going to be a fun event for the whole family, so please spread the word and join us!

We are blessed with enough room to spread out and enjoy the fun safely! See you there!

Trinity Kids and Students Summer 2021


Summer is here and we are ready to kick off the summer in a big way!

As I’ve told you in the past we hired Alex Kirven (a beloved teacher from Hill) to come help us with children and youth activities. Alex will officially begin this Wednesday 6/9 with an activity for teenagers (rising 6th – 12th). Alex has a fun outdoor activity planed in the bishops garden starting at 6pm so please spread the word and invite friends! Activities for children will begin Sunday morning 9/13 during Trinity Kids!

June 9 - August 25
Wednesdays @ 6pmYouth Gathering, Ages 12+
Hiking, Volleyball, Swimming, Soccer, Camping, Bonfire, Movie Night, Community Service & more!

June 13 - August 29
rinity Kids during serviceAge Groups: 4-7 & 8-11
We come together for songs, prayer, and lesson based on the Lectionary Calendar

IN ADDITION!!! Many of you have been asking about Confirmation. We will tie the four week class into the Wednesday programing. We will meet each Wednesday @ 5pm starting on July 21. These classes will last an hour and then the students can go and have some fun with Alex. I know the summers are busy so if your student needs to miss one just let me know and I will make it up with them one on one. The Bishop is scheduled to come on September 18th at 10:30am. If this date doesn’t work don’t worry we will provide a time for your students to be confirmed.

Spread the word it’s going to be a great summer!

If you missed last week you missed a wonderful opportunity to meet in the church and two God’s children were baptized. It was a great and exciting Sunday. We will resume our weekly schedule this week with an indoor option at 8am and a garden service at 10. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 12th for our annual kick off and outreach fair. We will start the year back in the church at 10:30 with a full choir, service and coffee hour that will make memories. Good days are ahead!!!

Grace and Peace to you All!

The Rev. Jonathan Adams

Piedmont Child Care Center (PCCC) Updates

The Piedmont Child Care Center is one of Trinity’s oldest and most successful Community programs. It has been on it’s own since moving to the new facility in 2000. The Center is open five days a week and the building is currently filled with about 50 children, six weeks to about seven years of age. There are five different classrooms and three play-grounds; all age appropriate. The Infant Room leads into the Green Room with it’s 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year olds. Then the Yellow Room goes from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2. As they move around the Center the next stop is the Red Room 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 and finally the Blue Room for the Pre K group. We also have a Purple Room that takes care of the kids that come off the school buses and are there during the summer.

The children are served breakfast, a morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack. Every child, in every classroom, takes a nap in the afternoon . The kids are out on the playground two times a day; morning and afternoon. It really is a wonderful place and the classrooms are staffed with terrific, caring, nurturing teachers. Do stop over and have a look, it really is a magical place where amazing things happen every day. Join us for a spaghetti supper fundraiser here at Trinity, Friday April 3rd from 4:30pm - 6:30pm.

Piedmont Child Care Center (PCCC)

On October 8, 1984, Trinity Church opened The Piedmont Child Care Center in the basement of Cox Hall. It was much needed in the community and now 36 years later it is still going strong; currently located across the street from the church, at its present location and has been there for 20 years.

The Rev. Richard Peard hired the director, Alice Duggan and she still is there. The center is a school setting, open from 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. Providing two meals and two snacks a day, homemade in the Center’s kitchen. The center welcomes babies as young as 6-weeks old and school agers up to 12.

Piedmont Child Care Center.png

Both Loudoun County and Fauquier County schools pick-up and drop off at Piedmont. It is one of Trinity’s greatest Community Projects and has been such a positive influence on countless numbers of children and their working parents. If you haven’t visited you have missed something quite special. So do stop by this enchanting place where every “moment is a teachable moment. “

Any questions or if you need further information call Alice or Diana at 540 592-3908 or email

Children's Christmas Pageant

The Christmas Pageant will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 24th during the 4:00pm service. We would love every child to participate. Please join us on Saturday, Dec. 21, at 9:30am, for practice and to get your costumes.

On Tuesday, Dec. 24th we will meet in the Parish Hall at 3:30pm, in costume. We will all go over to the church together and after the pageant the children will sit with their parents for the remainder of the service. After the service they can return their costumes to the parish hall. Looking forward to seeing all the youth of the parish at the practice on Saturday, December 21 at 9:30am . Any questions, call the church office 540 592-3343.

Upcoming Youth Group Activities

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The Episcopal Youth Group has some exciting activities planned in the coming months. There are opportunities for fellowship, service and of course fun. Please join us and bring a friend to any of the events.

March 3- Ski Trip to Liberty Mountain. 8am at Trinity parking lot. There is a chance the mountain will not be open but we have a fun “plan B” if not, a trip to the water park in Massanutten. Contact Lisa White to sign up. Parent volunteers/ skiers also welcome. We will provide updates based on the weather late in the week.

March 11—Activity planning and SOME cookie bake - Following the 10:30 service we’ll meet to discuss your ideas and hopes for Youth Group and then bake cookies in the church kitchen for the church’s ministry to So Others Might Eat soup kitchen in Washington DC. A fun way to serve others less fortunate. Have a favorite recipe you want to make? Let us know so we can get all the ingredients you need. Contact Kevin Fox (847) 971-4986.

Youth Sunday Service- Mother’s Day, May 13. We will discuss and help plan the service during Sunday youth meetings in April. Save the date.

Stable Tour Volunteering Memorial Day Weekend - Kat Gemmer and her team are hard at work for the Stable Tour planning and there is an important role for the Youth Group. This is your chance to shine and share your gifts with the community as we welcome people from across the region to Trinity.

Other events in the planning: Early Summer Canoe trip on the Shenandoah, Youth group fundraiser/ project, service project, bowling night, Shrinemont camp.

Parents please reach out to Kevin regarding your child’s availability/interest to participate in Youth activities. We are eager to set schedules and plan activities to make it as easy as possible for the most people to participate. Please encourage them to bring along a friend, being a church member is not required.

We are looking forward to a fun and thought-provoking spring and summer!

Vacation Bible School

June 12-16, 2017
9 AM - 12 Noon

A little about this year’s program:

At the Maker Fun Factory, kids explore what it means to be created by God for a purpose. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play team- building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of Jesus’ love, and make crafts that represent their uniqueness and creativity. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Maker Fun Factory closing that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned.

Age Requirement and Placement:

This adventure is available to all children, age 3 through current 5th grade (Children must have turned 3 by June 12, 2017 and be potty-trained). Preschoolers will be placed in separate small groups, and elementary-age children will be placed in small groups of similar age and grade levels.

Registration Information:

Please complete one registration form per family - download via the button below. The cost of the program is free (although you may purchase a VBS t-shirt for $10 per child).

Full instructions for registration are included in the form. REGISTRATION ENDS ON JUNE 1. No walk-ins will be accepted on June 12.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Many volunteers are needed. If you are able to volunteer during VBS week, we need your help! Teens are also encouraged to volunteer - just click the button below to fill out our online registration.

If you have any questions or are interested in a volunteer opportunity, please contact: Rachel Rickenbaker, (540) 592-3343,

Easter Egg Hunt

April 2 & 16

On April 2nd, we will meet from 12-2pm, to share lunch and to fill Easter eggs forTrinity’s Easter egg hunt. Then we will head down at 1pm to Upperville Baptist to unload canned goods to help with the local food basket ministry.

Then, on Easter Day, April 16th, please arrive at 9:30am in the Bishop’s Garden to help hide the Easter eggs for our kids at Trinity, who will hunt for them after the 10:30 service. We need your help! 

St. Patrick's Day Youth Party

March 12

Calling all EYC, 6th-12th graders! We will meet on Sunday, March 12th, from 3-5pm, for a St. Patrick’s Day Party. We will gather in Cox Hall for some good snacks and games to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick. We will also be baking and decorating shamrock cookies to be shared later in the week with our homeless brothers and sisters in DC.

Come join us, wear your green, and bring a friend! 

Raising Kids in Christ Study Series

As one of Trinity's focuses this upcoming year is on Christian education, we want to lift up Sunday morning opportunities for you to grow in faith and community.

Raising Kids in the Christian Faith | Sundays, 9:45am, Peard House

This group meets in the living room at Peard House on Sundays from 9:45-10:15, while children are in Sunday School. They have just started reading and discussing the book Boundaries with Kids, which looks at a Biblical approach to modeling healthy boundaries for children. Come and join!